Curriculum vitae
Cristian Moro was born on 17 February 1973 in Mendrisio, in an area of Switzerland known as its ‘sun terrace’.
After graduating from business school in Lugano, he started his training at the Swiss Hotel Management School in Lucerne in 1993. Working at the Hilton Hotel, he was promoted from reception intern to Front Desk Manager with over 40 direct reports. In 2002, he became the ‘FUM Module instructor’ for the Swiss Army and an officer in the VBS (Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport), responsible for planning, carrying out and evaluating lessons for the quartermaster (rank: officer) over the whole of Switzerland, in German, French and Italian. Since 2004, Cristian Moro has been a Swiss certified trainer. His education at the FH Northwestern Switzerland in Olten (MAS) has strengthened his knowledge in behavioural training and training concepts.
Download his full C.V. (pdf)
Cristian Moro is multilingual; in addition to his mother tongue, Italian, he also speaks perfect German/Swiss German and is highly proficient in English and French. His linguistic abilities are further enhanced with basic proficiency in Spanish.
Professional experience
A small extract from Cristian Moro’s professional history:
August 2007 – January 2011
Trainer and project manager at AMAG, Automobil- und Motoren AG, where he was responsible for designing the training programme and was the behavioural trainer for personnel with customer contact. He trained personnel in all three national languages and developed new training packages.
May 2003 – July 2007
Regular officer (instructor) in the VBS, where he was responsible for planning and carrying out training sessions and evaluating both lessons and qualifications for quartermasters and those applying to be quartermaster sergeants.
Training Korean personnel in social etiquette and communication. Developing training programmes for civilian personnel in an intercultural context (US, Korea and Switzerland).
1999 – 2000
Hotel Hilton Zürich Airport, Zürich. As the Front Desk Manager he managed over 40 direct reports. Carrying out training in the areas of communication, behaviour and managing complaints for reception personnel and for the VIP contacts.
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